My name is Nino Pellegrino and I’m currently working as a Threat Researcher at Infoblox. I like to think of myself as a malware researcher with a strong interest in studying malicious software behaviour and how to describe it. My research topics include malware reverse engineering, state machine learning, and software telemetry analysis.

Coures, Seminars, and Workshops

  • YARA: the Rise of Static Properties, University of Naples Federico II, 2020
  • CINI Cyber Challenge, several Italian univerisities (remote), 2020
  • A Taste of Real-life Malware Analysis, Statale University of Milan, 2019-2020
  • Intelligence and Social Media, University of Salerno, 2019
  • RATs in Action, Statale University of Milan, 2018
  • Malwa-RE, Delft University of Technology, 2015-2016
